Why It’s a Must to Convert HTML Website to WordPress?

WordPress is not only for blogs anymore. If you’re still under that impression, you better sit up and take notice because you don’t want the modern world passing you by without knowing how HTML to wordpress conversion could take your business to a different level. There is a long list of benefits for those who make the switch.

html website to wordpress

Rank High on Search Engines

Internet marketing agencies will be the first to tell you that converting an HTML site to wordpress is very useful. You should be able to design your page from start to finish working harmoniously with search engines. WordPress, by itself, is already SEO-friendly. But by making use of certain plugins when you convert HTML website to wordpress, you reap the most benefits from being SEO-optimized. Ranking high on search engines is what everyone is aiming for. After HTML to wordpress conversion is completed, the search engines will be able to gather data quickly and your pages will be able to get a higher rank. To put that in perspective, a website built using WordPress needs only half of the effort required by a typical HTML website to get to the same search engine rank.

It’s More Convenient

When using WordPress, maintaining a website is a breeze via the administration section, which allows one to edit and add content easily. Its simplicity is the beauty of HTML to wordpress conversion. The process is easy whether you want to set up a newsletter, process payments efficiently, create a subscriber list, or put passwords on some files. Since converting an HTML site to wordpress is so easy, you can do it yourself and avoid the expense of hiring an SEO expert. It’s also possible for you to get expert assistance on a consultancy basis. If you convert HTML website to wordpress, you can keep the appearance and feel of your website after migrating. If you have a grasp of the basic WordPress concepts, taking charge of your website will be within your reach.

Expand with Plugins

In converting an HTML site to wordpress, you can expand your website without the hassle. The plugins enable you to add functionalities. Optimize your website with the most advanced features, which include getting into social media and advertising. Not all websites have the same goals and purpose of course. This is why you can select only the plugins that you require. If you change your mind, making the adjustments can be done quickly.

Be More Flexible

Flexibility is one of the major advantages you get when converting an HTML site to wordpress. Aside from migration of your content, you can also update it easily and affordably. With minimum effort, you can get an optimized site that you can manage easily.

Make the decision to convert HTML website to wordpress and see your traffic increase and your viewership widen. It’s very convenient to add content or edit your pages yourself when using WordPress. If you want to skip the annoyances of maintaining a website, this is the way to do it.

11 thoughts on “Why It’s a Must to Convert HTML Website to WordPress?

  1. All great reasons for moving over to WordPress.

    I can have a WordPress site up and running with a free or premium theme in no time at all – used to take me ages to build html sites and style them with CSS.

    I love WordPress and use it on all my sites and all my client sites.

    The only thing I miss about html sites is… boy were they fast!

  2. Convenient doesn’t begin to explain how much easier maintaining WP sites is than html or php sites. I convert customers when I can and tell them to call me when they break it. Not many phone calls over the last couple of years. And with the ckeditor and the kcfinder image plugin I found, it’s even better.

  3. Just for the record:
    Wordpress is fine to build a website. If that’s what you want to use, do it. But your plea, to convert HTML to WordPress is misleaading. All wordpress documents ARE html documents. Furthermore, WordPress uses css and javascript the same as any other web page you’d build in any other way. It’s just a matter of how you choose to put a site together. The tools you choose.

    1. Well said. It is just another tool that has made a web designer out of everyone. Drag and drop/plugin/template. Funny how the web community hates WYSIWYG but loves wordpress which is just the same. web design used to be a speciality, now everyone including their dog and grandmothers are doing it.

  4. I am in the process if moving my HTML over to WordPress, there was a time I use to just install WordPress for the blog capabilities only and style it accordingly but having done 2 or 3 full sites, I can see the benefit immediately although getting your head around the codex is mindboggling at times

  5. The drawback to building sites in WordPress that seems to be ignored by most writers is backing up and experimenting is a hassle. If you want multiple versions, you have to do a localhost hack so you can run WordPress on your computer, or create multiple subdomains on your server to try different themes and compare them. Backing up is a drag compared to HTML, because the data is separate from the framework. Worst, in most cases, your only copy is online, and if you mess it up or get hacked, it’s hard to restore. I really miss the ability to build sites offline and publish only when I’m happy with everything.

    That said, WordPress is fantastic because the theme format means all the style sheet customization is separate, and often mostly done for you, and yo can concentrate on the images and text that make your site unique.

  6. I agree, but I’ve yet to find a clear and easy way to migrate to WordPress. Can anyone tell me the easiest and most reliable method?

  7. so my static one page site needs the whole bulk of WordPress? Yes there are advantages, but it all comes down to “fitness for purpose”

  8. Yeah. I’m totally gonna shoehorn a WP back end onto my 3 page static site that I update every few months.
    I’m also going to attach cars to my feet because logic.

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